Thursday, November 22, 2012

First 10K

This morning Gabi and I finished our very first 10K. The last mile was very tough for me, but I made it to the very end. I had the super stretch goal of finishing in less than 1 hour, and although that didn't happen I still ran it at a pretty good pace. My official time was 1hr, 1 min, and 9 seconds, much faster than every time we ran during training. Although Lionel didn't train for it he also decided to run, and finished only 4 minutes after us.

Throughout the entire 2 months of training we were very lucky with the weather during our Sunday runs outside, and today's weather didn't let us down either. Although it started quite chili, it was also sunny, and beautiful, and it quickly warmed up.

It was a great race, and I am very proud of all of us.

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