Saturday, July 13, 2013

Copenhagen - Day 1

Today was our first day in Copenhagen. Unfortunately I personally didn't have much time - if any - to research the "things to do" around here ahead of time, but I trusted that our hosts - Chris, Elizabeth, and Lily - would know the things to do, the places to go, and that they would take us there. Today we didn't go too far from the house, since we were all exhausted from the trip, but we did start exploring the nearby park, took the subway, and walked around the neighborhood.  We also walked by the little mermaid, and quickly learned a few cultural things:

The Danish apparently like standing way too close to you, which could be quite a bit unsettling particularly when they are standing right behind you. Luckily I didn't experience this first hand, but I can appreciate the sentiment. Shoulder to shoulder is Ok, but almost rubbing themselves against you?!? Thanks, but no thanks! ... Funny enough, it appears that if they do that, and you make eye contact with them, all of a sudden they are the uncomfortable ones.

They ride their bikes everywhere, even when it is super cold outside, and in general are a very fit culture. In fact, it appears that they put children in bikes when they are as young as two years old. So by the time they are Sofia's age, kids are total rock starts at it and can handle any road.

Copenhagen is a very safe place. So safe, that kids as young as Sofia go around town all by themselves. And so safe, that moms leave their babies lined up OUTSIDE, ALL BY THEMSELVES,      while they go inside coffee shops to get their drink.

Women are very strong, and they are a very proud culture overall. So proud, that if you saw an old person fall or struggle with something you should NOT try to help them. You will embarrass them more than anything, and they won't appreciate it.

The large majority of them are protestant, but yet have a lot of religious holidays. I say good for them!

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