Sunday, July 28, 2013

Last day in Paris

Yesterday was our last day in Paris. Our train left Avignon at about 10:15 am, so we arrived back in Paris in the early afternoon. We went straight to Lionel' uncle's apartment, and then to grab some lunch without the girls, because they preferred to stay home. After that we rested a little - as much as we could in the hot apartment without AC - and went to a closeby small museum with the girls, Lionel's uncle, and Lola and Rose, who are the daughters of Celine, Lionel's cousin. We then hang out in the apartment until dinner time, when the cousins and corresponding spouses came over.  I socialized with them as much as my French allowed me, although I also missed a lot, especially the jokes. But it was a nice evening, and I was happy to see Lionel reconnecting with them. He clearly seemed to belong there, and I hope that he gets to come back soon.

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