Monday, February 3, 2014


As I look back at all the hard work in preparation for the Miami Marathon, I now realize there is one more thing I probably should have done: Get a trainer to do strength training.  Since running develops some muscles, but others not so much, that probably created the imbalance that brought pain to my left knee.

It is frustrating that despite the heat I felt fine -never out of breath, light headed, or low on energy - and yet, I was still unable to run the entire course because my leg was just not up for it. So next time - if there is ever a next time - I will do that one thing differently.

Training by myself was just fine though. Even though I initially thought it would be kind of lonely, running alone was actually kind of peaceful. And it probably also prepared me for being able motivate myself at the times when I thought all was lost.

So some things I will change, and some things I will keep. Or I may choose not to go for it again, and just say with the "easy" Half Marathons.

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