Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Bella's end-of-the-school-year show

Today Bella's class had a show that I had mistakenly understood to be more of a teacher/student activity. But this morning, as we were getting ready for school, she asked me if I was coming to her show. In fact, she told me she wanted me to be there. I told her I didn't know at what time it was or if I could make it - still wondering if I was supposed to be there - and both Bella and Sofia told me to call Miss Mitza, Bella's teacher. I was so glad they did, because it turned out that this was definitely for the parents, and if I hadn't been there my Gordita would have been all by herself.

Sofia asked her teacher if she could come watch the show with me, and her teacher said yes. It was a very cute little show, and at the end each kid gave his mom (or dad) a beautiful flower.

I can't believe I almost missed it! 

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