Friday, May 30, 2014

One last stop!

Just couple hours after I celebrated leaving the building to start my Sabbatical, I was right back in it. But it was for a good cause. After my Dad's ceremony Sofia and I walked back to my regular parking spot, and she asked if we could go in because it had been a very long time since she was there last. So we did. Since it was a Friday afternoon, I figured we would pretty much have the place all for ourselves.

I took her to one of our learning centers because we have a mural I knew she would like, and we also walked to my floor. She sat at my favorite desk, used the restroom, and got a kick out of a silly sign we have in there. We also walked into the main auditorim only to discover a preschool graduation was happening, and our friend Kate was in there with her son Alex! That was a pretty cool coincidence on an already very fortuitous day.

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