Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 16 - Back to summer!

Today I got up early and ran 6 miles. I wanted to run 4, but I took it one mile at the time and decided to push for 6. I was proud of myself for pushing for the longer run - the longest since the flying pig relay - but that wasn't even my favorite part of the morning. My favorite part was when, after dropping Sofia off at swim camp, Bella and I walked from there to Juilfs Park. It was quite hot outside already, but most of our walk was in a tree-lined street and the shade and breeze from the trees made for a lovely and relaxing walk. It made me want to walk back and forth, back and forth, multiple times.

After the park and Sofia's camp, we rushed back home to eat because my friend Marian invited Sofia to her lego class from 1-4pm and Bella had a Dr appt at 2pm. Both events weren't originally planned, but we were happy to squeeze them in. After the doctor Bella wanted to go to Orange Leaf for frozen yogurt so, since she was such a good patient and for once we didn't have to wait forever, we did. We sat outside in the shade, on some comfortable lawn chairs, and that made for another favorite part of the day. It was relaxing to just sit there enjoying our yogurt without having to rush somewhere.

After Orange Leaf the mad rush started again. We picked up Sofia from the lego class and headed to gymnastics. Sofia wasn't amused that we arrived late to gymnastics, but I explained to her that it was the right thing to do to help Marian load all her materials in the car instead of rushing out and letting her deal with it on her own. I told her that sometimes plans change, and that is Ok. 

After all those activities, which are a million times better than house chores, even I am ready to go back home and rest. It was that busy and summer-like kind of day!

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