Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 2 - All about the bikes

Today I woke up at around 8:40am, which was nice considering that last night I went to bed at 2:00am. I just got busy organizing myself for the summer, and signing up for an online class at UC to learn how to better use my digital camera in preparation for our trip.

One of today's goals was to take our bikes for a tune up, because - after an insanely long time of Lionel and I not touching our bikes - this weekend Sofia, Lionel and I are participating in Ride Cincinnati, a local fundraiser. We are only doing the 8 mile ride because Sofia is coming, but even the 8 mile ride is probably too much Bella, so we will either ask Tios or Abuelitos if she can stay with them.

Unfortunately it turns out that the tune up takes about a week, so I couldn't get that done today since we need the bikes for the weekend. But fortunately they at least put air in our tires, and confirmed they are ok to ride for the event in their current shape. Since we were there, I also bought a cute basket for my bike so we can put our sweaters and other small stuff in there.

 I wish I had also been able to take Sofia's bike with me, since I can tell her tires do not have enough air. I tried to use a pump we have at home, but after trying several times - and sweating like crazy because of the heat - I was unsuccessful ... Which was very frustrating. So either the pump is broken, the tire has an issue, or I was not using the thing correctly. Either way, we will have to figure that one out before Sunday.

I did clean all four bikes - with a little bit of Bella's help - because they were all super dusty. They look so much better now.

This afternoon we are going to pick up our packet for Ride Cincinnati, and the girls have their gymanstics class after that. Dinner time will come next, which is the start of the end of our day.

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