Sunday, April 12, 2015

Birthday Sleepover

For her birthday party, Sofia decided that this year she wanted a sleepover with three of her friends. One of them couldn't make it, but the other two were ready to celebrate. Bella was also allowed to invite her friend Cecilia, so they all had somebody to play with. 

Sofia was really looking forward to it especially because her birthday gift, the American Girl Doll of the year, had already arrived but she had to wait to open it until the sleepover. And she couldn't wait!

When the girls got here they spent the evening exploring the backyard, and then finally came in for pizza and cake. Tios also stopped by for dinner, so they got to be here to cut cake with the girls. And then, after watching a movie and talking like forever, the girls finally fell asleep. In the morning they had breakfast together, and then it was a wrap!

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