Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Vacation Day 2 - Girls lunch and museum center

Dec 22,

Today was another special day. We got up SUPER late, a real vacation treat, and just hung out at home in our PJs the entire morning - until we went out for a late lunch with Gabi and my mom. Gabi and Sofia showed up for lunch in their sporty outfits, and my mom and also looked quite coordinated in red and black. As for Bella, she actually let me do her hair, and kept it like that the entire day. After lunch we went to Museum Center to see the Holiday exhibit, which this year included a pretty cool Lego city. The city included the coffee shop Sofia got earlier this year as a gift from Grandpa and Grandma, so she was excited to see it there. The weather was beautiful, extremely warm for this time of year, so I was triple grateful: For being on vacation, for being able to spend time with the girls and my family, and for the awesome weather that I am sure, will not last long.

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