Monday, February 15, 2016


After a long day of travel, this evening we made it back home. I knew the weather had been very cold around here the last few days, and as evidence we found the water I left in the car completely frozen. Today was not as cold, but it was completely foggy and gloomy. No sunshine at all. It was almost like the day was as bummed as we were that our vacation is over and tomorrow we have to get back to work.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Vail Day 5 - Valentine's Day Dinner

Tonight was our last dinner in Vail, and even though we originally said we would stay at the apartment and make pasta, at the end we decided to go out. It was Valentine's Day after all. After dinner we came right back, and have been packing as much as we can because tomorrow we are getting picked up at 5:45 am. It is going to be a long day, but it will be nice to be home and see our Zoey. Going back to work and to school will not be as fun, but it comes with the territory.

Valentine's day

Today's Facebook memories were all about the girls.

Vail Day 5 - Sheryl

Today we ran into Sheryl Sandberg, the author of the Lean In book. I talked to her for a couple of minutes, and took a picture with her. She was very nice, gave me her email address, and asked me to send her the picture later. Pretty cool!

Vail Day 5 - Fun but enough

Today Bella had fun skiing with us in the morning, and did a really good job. But in a hot second she went from having fun to saying that she was cold, and hungry, and wanting nothing to do with it. So we had an earlier lunch than we did the days before, and after that we skied all the way down the mountain. By then it was already snowing, and it was also definitely colder than the days before. So I was perfectly fine going back to the rental place with her while Lionel enjoyed skiing the rest of the afternoon by himself.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Vail Day 4 - Another full day

Today Lionel and I went all over the place again, while the girls rocked ski school. I finished skiing 30 minutes before Lionel, partly because it was getting cold and the wind was blowing in my face, and partly because I figured he would enjoy a couple of runs just by himself. Sofia is going back to ski school tomorrow, by choice, while Bella gets to ski with us. I thought both girls would jump at the opportunity to ski with us on the last day, especially since it is Valentine's day, but Sofia said she actually likes to ski as a group with the other kids. I would have liked for her to come with us, but she is doing well in ski school and as long as she is happy, I am happy too.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Vail Day 3 - Dinner at the top of the mountain

Tonight we had dinner at the top of the mountain. Outside the restaurant it was really dark, so it was not necessarily a good spot for pictures. But we took a picture when we were back down, by the ice skating rink, because it was a nice view. The picture really doesn't do it justice.

Vail Day 3 - More skiing

Today the girls went back to ski school and Lionel and I skied all day again. Both girls were tired at the end of the day, but Sofia was particularly exhausted. Her teacher said that they definitely did a lot of skiing. 

After picking the girls up we went back to the apartment, and Bella and I went back out to buy the Vail pictures they took at ski school, to get a few more things for breakfast, and to get some ice cream. We then settled for a little while, watching TV and resting, before it was time to go out for dinner.

Vail Day 2 - Dinner

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Vail Day 2 - Back to Skiing

Today was our first day of skiing this year. The girls went back to ski school, and Lionel and I skied on our own. The girls were actually really excited about ski school, and were ready to go right on time. Since they didn't want the hair on their face while they went down the mountain, they actually allowed me to brush it and give them braids and pony tails. They looked so nice. I wish they allowed me to do that every day.

They were all smiles when I dropped them off at ski school, and Sofia was happy she got to start at Level 5. When I dropped them off they originally suggested that they start at levels 4 and 2 (Vs 5 and 3 which is where they ended last year) but Sofia absolutely refused. So they started at 5 and 3.

Lionel and I skied nonstop, except for lunch, until it was time to go get the girls. We actually went down an easy black diamond before lunch, and I didn't fall or anything. By 3:30 we went to pick up the girls, and they were still all smiles. Sofia will still be at level 5 tomorrow, and Bella is moving up. Tomorrow she is starting at level 4.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Vail Day 1 - A little sad

This year it is the first year we come to Vail without Philippe and Monique, and it feels odd ... sad. There are good reasons why they are not here with us, but that doesn't help us feel less "incomplete". Isabel was also thinking about joining us for the weekend, and the girls were excited to see her, but she hasn't been able to secure a ride from Boulder - where she goes to school. And it doesn't look like she will. So it will be the four of us. We are also staying in a new place, we went to a different ski school, and rented the skis from a different place. A lot of changes at once.

Vail Day 1 - Memory game!

Bella wanted to bring our memory game on the trip, but it was too big and it didn't fit in her carry on bag. Lucky us, when we went to buy the groceries earlier today she actually found the same memory game in travel size. Great find!

Vail Day 1 - Current Height

When we went to buy the lift tickets we found this one little spot where you can check how tall your kids are. Sofia is pretty much at 60 inches, while Bella is still at 48.

Vail Day 1 - We have arrived!

Last night we drove from Cincinnati to Indianapolis because our flight to Denver was at 7:30 this morning and we didn't want to risk getting stuck in traffic and missing our flight. We still had to get up early, but we had no issues making the flight. We then took the Mountain Express shuttle from Denver to Vail, and got here right before lunch time. The weather was warm, and sunny, and just beautiful. It was so nice and warm with the sun out that after checking in to the rental place we were able to eat lunch outside. We then went to register the girls for ski school, rent the skis, and buy some groceries for breakfast. After resting for a little while the girls and I went back out so they could ice skate. That, dinner, and showers, and it was time to crash for the night.

Hot and Cold

On Monday morning I woke up to the weather at the top. On Tuesday I woke up to the weather at the bottom. Pretty wild.