Friday, February 5, 2016

Costa Rica Day 1 - We made it!

Feb 4,

Today was our travel day - and it really was a full day. We got up at 3:45 to get ready and drive to the airport, since our first flight was leaving at 5:50 am. The flight from Cincinnati to Atlanta was on time. No issues other than being super tired and half asleep. After that we had breakfast in Atlanta and headed for our second flight, from Atlanta to San Jose. We boarded on time, but they were having some issues loading or offloading some cargo that was [or wasn't] supposed to be there. I never got clarity on that, but the point is that we sat waiting for like 40 minutes until we were finally ready to take off.

The flight to San Jose was about 3.5 hours, and it went relatively quickly for me. I finally watched The Age of Adaline, which I downloaded to my tablet because I didn't get a chance to see it at the movies. I really liked it by the way. I thought it was a good movie. I also had a book, so between those 2 the time really passed quickly.

When we arrived in San Jose we still had a 3 hour drive to the beach. Chuck, the guy who organized the whole trip, had rented a shuttle for us - driver and all. Before we started the long drive we stopped by a local Walmart, to buy water, snack and beer for the trip. Only a few people went inside, and of course I was one of them. I love going to stores when I travel, so I never miss a chance. 

When we arrived in Manuel Antonio it was already dark and we were exhausted. Actually, a couple of us who only drank water were exhausted, while those who drank some beer still seemed to be in good shape. How does that happen?!? Regardless, when we finally arrived we all went to our corresponding house assignments to drop off our stuff and then we met at one of the houses to grill hamburgers - another thing Chuck had planned for us. After that we hung out with the group for a little bit, and by 9:30 pm we headed back to our beautiful rental house to crash for the night.

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