Saturday, August 6, 2016

Europe - Day 14 - The new earrings

Aug 5,

A couple of days ago, while we were still in Lisbon, Bella asked me if she could take off her earrings to go to sleep. I thought it was a strange question, since she always has them on, but I said sure. Only when I was helping her take them off I realized what was really going on. I was pretty horrified to see that, as it had happened with Sofia once many years ago, the earring was pinching her ear so tight that it was almost inside her skin! How could this happened again?!? How come I didn't see it before?!? How come she didn't say anything?!?

I quickly but carefuly took them off, went to get the neosporin I luckily packed for the trip, and asked her why she didn't say anything before. She said they didn't really bother her that much, and that they were probably tight because she kept pushing them in, worried she might lose them during swim team.

For the next couple of days she wore my earrings, small for me but a bit big for her, because she didn't want her holes to close. We also kept putting neosporin, to make sure they didn't get infected. Then, as we came back to Spain and took our quick walk in Salamanca, we walked by a small jewelry store. That was our chance.  I asked about the type of gold earrings I wore as a child, that never pinch or hurt your ears, and they did have them! They were a bit more expensive than I would have liked, but I didn't care. The price was not my priority. We selected some pretty flower earrings and put them on right away when we had breakfast on the square.

Her ears are not 100% healed yet, but we are getting there.

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