Monday, August 8, 2016

Europe - Day 16 - The longest drive

Aug 7,

Today we completed our last and longest drive of the trip from Biarritz to Paris. Lionel was worried that traffic would be horrible, so we left at 7:00 am. Sofia was also worried, but for a different reason. She was worried it would be too long of a drive and she may not feel well sitting there for "so long". At 7 hours it was a long drive indeed, but we didn't have any problems. Traffic was fine, except for the last 30 minutes, and the girls did well. They both took long naps, we took a couple of breaks, and ate plenty of Mentos (their favorite). During one of our stops I even saw a brochure for a castle we may want to visit next time. Because you always hope thee will be a next time.

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