Saturday, October 15, 2016

London - Day 2 - Harry Potter Studio Tour

Oct 14,

This afternoon we went to the Harry Potter Warner Brothers Studio Tour. It was one of those things I probably would have never chosen to do on my own, but I am glad I went. It was pretty cool. I have never seen the movies or read the books, so obviously I didn't get as much out of it as my friends did. But I still had fun.  Since it was my birthday (or close to it), I got to open the door to the main entrance with the other birthday people - and go in first. We were there for a while taking it all in. We also made a little video or us flying in a broom, but it was about 55 USD to buy it - so we decided not to do that. We just bought our Wizard picture and a couple of things at the gift shop on our way out .

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