Sunday, October 16, 2016

London - Day 3 - Walking Tour

Oct 15,

Today, after everybody finally got up, we went on a walking tour. We went to Buckingham Palace, St James Park, the Westminster Abbey, and Big Ben among the main landmarks. It was good, and we enjoyed learning about the city, but it was also quite tiring as the tour lasted almost 3 hours. By the time it was done we were starving, so our main priority was to go get a good lunch/early dinner. We went to a greek restaurant we had seen the night before, and had a pretty good meal. By the time we sat down to eat we also realized just how tired our legs were, so we very much enjoyed the break. After our late lunch we walked around just for a little bit, as it had started to rain, and then went to see another play. The play was not bad, but sitting there I realized just how tired I really was. I struggled during the first half, but managed to stay alert for the rest of the time. After the play we stopped by a convenience store to get some breakfast food, and then headed back to the apartment. Tomorrow Timeri and I have our day trip, which is really all day, so we need to get our energy back for it.

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