Sunday, August 26, 2018


Aug 26,

It is hard to believe, but today was my 20th anniversary in Cincinnati. I arrived here on August 26th, 1998. How time flies. So it seemed like the right date to have our first cookout with friends at the new house. We tried to keep it relatively small, because Lionel was worried we wouldn't be able to properly host a big group in this smaller house, but I think we actually could have had more people come. Regardless, we had a good time. I did forget to take pictures, which is unlike me, but I guess I was busy talking to everybody and didn't think about it at all. 


Aug 26,

This afternoon Bella had her soccer game, which was the only time during the day that I got to sit down and do nothing at all. It was very hot and muggy, so we sat in the shade even though that put is a little farther from the field. We could still see everything really well. The game was really close, with both teams fighting hard and nobody scoring until the very end, but literally a few minutes before the end of it Bella scored and gave her team the winning goal!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Power Washing

Aug 25,

Today Lionel and I spent the afternoon using our new power washer. The deck and pathway in the back of the house had not been cleaned in like forever, and were completely green and dirty looking. Same with the brick steps by the Observatory entrance. Lionel initially did not think it was worth even trying to clean those, and go straight to replace them, but after cleaning them they look unbelievable better. The deck does need to be replaced soon, but until then at least we have a clean place.

After spending the afternoon out there we are quite tired, but the results are totally worth it. Seeing the house get better and better makes me feel proud, and happy.


Aug 25,

Today I went to Lowes to get some paint, and I was pleasantly surprised that they now have tulips bulbs. I can't wait to plant these beauties at our new house.

Morning run

Aug 25,

Today we completed 7 muggy miles. I did Ok for the first 4, but I was definitely tired for the remaining 3.


Aug 24,

We have been away or crazy busy for the last few Fridays, but today we were able to go back to our Creamy Whip routine. On our way back home Bella fell asleep in the car ... in the most uncomfortable looking position.

School Bus

Aug 21,

Yesterday Bella took the school bus with lots of fear and sadness, because it was the very first time ever that she had to take the bus. In our Kenlee house we were too close and not eligible for the bus, and in our previous house we were out of district and also not eligible for it. She said she was sad because she would spend less time with me in the morning, and maybe there was some truth in that statement, but mainly she was plain scared. Luckily the driver is friendly, the bus is pretty empty, and all the other kids are Bella's age or younger.

Although Bella and I originally agreed that she would take the bus to school at least once a week, but I could still drive her some days, by Tuesday she asked to take the bus and waited for it with a big sweet smile.

New landscaping

Aug 20,

After several weeks living with a crazy overgrown front and backyard, the landscapers finally started removing the old bushes and cleaning the beds last Friday, and planted our new bushes and flowers today. And it looks so much better! The new bushes are much smaller than the previous ones, and will require a lot less maintenance. 

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Good Sunday

Aug 19,

Today was a very good day. It was sunny all day, with no rain, and I spent a lot of time outdoors. In the morning we rode our bikes to the Hyde Park Farmers Market, then I worked on the yard and planted some flowers, and then we went to Bella's first soccer game of the season. They actually lost today, but Bella got a good workout and I got to sit down for a full hour while watching her game.


Aug 18,

After very anxiously waiting, yesterday we finally got our new carpet on the stairs to the second floor and to the basement. And for our anniversary I gave myself the gift of getting stuff done and painted the downstairs bathroom and some doors in the laundry room. And it all looks so much better!

First day of school!

Aug 15,

The first day of school is in the books! Sofia reluctantly posed for the picture, since she has to leave so early and all, but she did. Sofia went straight home after school and was not with me when I picked Bella up, so we stopped by Creamy Whip and picked up milk shakes to go.

Last day of vacation

Aug 14,

Our last day of vacation was quite a productive one. We finished all last minute back to school items, made our first day of school signs, and went to Panera for a late lunch. It is always sad when the summer is over, but at least we were prepared to get back to the routine.


Aug 13,

Our last trip of the summer was a family trip to Baltimore. It was a quick turn around, but it was good for Sofia and my parents to see Tio's house and their new surroundings. Since we will not be together for Diego's birthday, we also celebrated ahead of time.