Monday, August 6, 2018

Summer Vacation - Day 12 - Leaving Vancouver

Aug 6,

I was hoping to run one last time during vacation, and today was it, but I could tell that my knees needed rest more than they needed another run. So I did not. Instead, this morning we hurried getting ready and packing so we had time to walk around and buy some souvenirs. We also tried having brunch at a couple of different places that Lionel really wanted to check out (Medina and Jam - for the record), but the wait for both was pretty long and we needed to go back and check out. Instead we ended up asking for an extra hour to check out at 1:00 pm (Vs noon), and had lunch at the hotel.

We got on the road close to 1:00 pm to drive back to Seattle, and fortunately did not hit major traffic or a particularly long line at the immigration point.  We arrived at the hotel close to 5:00 pm and are now resting before going out for dinner. The hotel or the views are not as nice, so we are joking that "We are not in Vancouver anymore". We are staying close to the airport as our flight to Cincinnati leaves tomorrow at 7:45 am, so we are staying here for convenience more than for the amenities.  

Lionel and I are bummed that our trip is over, but the girls are excited to go back home and sleep in their beds (Bella) and see the dog (Sofia of course).

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