Thursday, April 30, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 34

Apr 30,

Feliz dia del niño y de la niña in Mexico!

Today got cold again, but we didn't let that stop us and we still went out for our family walk. During our walk we also saw the perfect accommodations for guests in the time of Cornavirus. Ha!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 33

Apr 29,

Today was supposed to rain all day, but luckily it did not. It did rain a good chunk of the day, but there were breaks in between that allowed us to walk the dog. 

My day started at 6:00 am with work meetings. I had set my alarm at 5:45, but the birds woke me up at 5:18. Bella woke up at about 7:30, and made cinnamon rolls from scratch. After breakfast everybody went their own way, to work and do school work. 

A bit before 6:00 pm we went on our family walk. I was afraid I would be cold, since it was only like 58 degrees, but my rain jacket kept me warm. And we had some nice views during the walk: Some grand old trees, lots of green grass, some pretty tulips, and even a cute little pig in a swing hanging from a tree in yard we passed by.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Apr 28,

Someday I will no longer be here. Someday I will just be a distant memory. When that day comes, my girls will try to remember how did my voice sound, how did I smile, how did I move. At least I think they will. And when that day comes, there might be limited evidence of me. Like any other mom, I am usually the one taking the pictures, the one making the videos. That means that I am normally not in them. And when I am, that is usually because I twisted somebody's arm into taking the picture - which means it is likely not a good one. It is one taken quickly so I stop asking and let everyone get on with it. Sometimes I let it go, but sometimes I fight the battle. Because when that day comes, when my girls want to remember me, I hope they will find enough evidence of who I am and how much I loved them. 

Yes, I think about those things.

Home Schooling - Day 32

Apr 28,

Today there was plenty of bickering during the family walk. After hearing people argue all day at work, that is the last thing I needed. It was all about dumb stuff, each girl complaining about the other one getting to choose the direction in which we were going. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. It was still a good physical exercise, and it was nice to go outside after sitting at the computer all day. It was probably the warmest day we've had yet, or at least that we've had in a while. 

After the walk Bella and I finally brought some of our plants outside. Let's hope it will not freeze again, or they will die. My hydrangeas also are finally showing signs of life. I was starting to think they just died.

We also played a little bit of tennis, although that included some bickering as well. Sigh.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 31

Apr 27,

Best part of the day: When I got to take a walk, feel the sunshine, have dinner, and spend time with the family.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Apr 26,

Today is another rainy day. I took advantage of the morning by doing a 15 minute yoga video, doing the knee exercises that the physical therapist had given me a while back, and doing a quick 2.5 mile recovery run. I don't normally like running back to back, but I thought it would be good to stretch my legs. Besides, I can rarely find the time to run during the week.

For lunch we made pizzas and a fruit salad, to finish the fruit we had from the week. It was a pretty and tasty lunch.


Apr 25,

This morning we had pretty decent weather so we took advantage of it. I went for a long run (7.5 miles), Lionel cleaned the yard, and I sent the girls on a 2 mile run. The afternoon was rainy, but we took advantage of it by doing some grocery shopping and cooking. And we closed the day watching a movie. We watched Cast Away. Lionel and I had seen it before, but not the girls. 

For groceries we went to Trader Joe's. The girls have been itching to leave the house, so I brought them with me - as long of course as they wore their masks. Trader Joe's is restricting to only 30 people in the store at the time, so we waited out side for a little while. They had tents up though, so it wasn't too bad.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 30

Apr 24,

Bella was feeling much better today. She made a yummy breakfast of avocado toast, egg, and potatoes for me that carried me through the day.  It was another full day at work, but I finished at 5:00 for us to go on our family walk. It was not a long walk, but it was nice to get outside and feel the sunshine. And it was even better not to be in a hurry to go anywhere. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 29

Apr 23,

Today, for the first time in almost 5 weeks, I did not start work at 3:00 am or 4:00 am. I started at 6:00 am, which felt like a real luxury. Unfortunately the one that wasn't feeling very luxurious was my poor Bella, who spent most of the day sleeping or just sitting there looking at the computer. Her head and stomach were bugging her. It was also a rainy day, so family walk was short. We squeezed it in before we got rained on. A few houses down from us Sofia spotted a rock painted like an avocado. Not sure how she spotted it, because it was definitely not in plain sight.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 28

Apr 22,

Long day at work but no emergencies, which is always a win. And warmth and sunshine, which is simply the best. Lionel went running at the end of the day, and Bella wasn't feeling her best, so Sofia and I carried on with the family walk. And even though she wasn't feeling  great, Bella still made lemon tart.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Homeschooling - Day 27

Apr 21,

Today was a 15 hour work day, putting out fires all day. I ate some lunch because Bella brought the food to me. I even missed family walk because I was still chasing down issues. Since I couldn't go, Bella took pictures of flowers for me.

I saw the sunshine from my window and thought it was nice and warm, but apparently it was cold. Still, it was nice to play a little tennis with the girls before dinner time. It was the only time I walked outside.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 26

Apr 20,

Today they finally announced that schools will be closed for the remainder of the school year. It was not good news for the girls, who still held hope that schools would reopen. But in a way it also lifted a huge weight off their shoulders. Hope is a good thing, but it can also be heavy at times. At least now they know and are not hoping for something that will not happen. 

On the plus side the sun was out and it warmed up a lot.  At the end of the work day Sofia and I went running while Lionel and Bella walked the dog. Bella then took our old racquets out, and some foam balls I had bought when they were much younger. This turned out to be a great choice, as we had lots of fun. Sofia was really happy and entertained, and it was nice to see her smile again after being so bummed for the last few days.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunday Drive

Apr 19,

This afternoon, to get out of the house, we drove downtown. Lionel wanted to see where they are building the soccer stadium, and the girls simply wanted out. Downtown was mostly empty, except for a few random people we saw walking here and there. We did take a few pictures of the construction. It will be cool to look at them later, when the stadium is all done.