Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 13

Apr 1,

Today in bullet points:

  • Bella brought me yummy pancakes for breakfast
  • We reached a significant milestone at work, getting us one step closer to the end of my crazy busy project
  • Parents around Cincinnati were passing around - for fun and to mess with the kids - some fake news about the governor saying that all kids would have to repeat the grade they are in
  • From my bedroom window I saw a crew cutting a tree. It made me sad for the tree, but I want to believe there was a good reason for it
  • We took our family walk - our outing of the day. Bella protested as usual, but not for too long. I guess she knew she had to do it anyway
  • During our walk we saw a dead bird and a dead mouse. We were sad for them too
  • I tried to take a picture of Sofia and she made a weird face on purpose
  • My seeds are sprouting
  • The treadmill desk adapter I ordered, so I can work and walk at the same time, arrived in the mail today
  • We made rice bows for dinner, with some fresh and yummy topings

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