Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Apr 28,

Someday I will no longer be here. Someday I will just be a distant memory. When that day comes, my girls will try to remember how did my voice sound, how did I smile, how did I move. At least I think they will. And when that day comes, there might be limited evidence of me. Like any other mom, I am usually the one taking the pictures, the one making the videos. That means that I am normally not in them. And when I am, that is usually because I twisted somebody's arm into taking the picture - which means it is likely not a good one. It is one taken quickly so I stop asking and let everyone get on with it. Sometimes I let it go, but sometimes I fight the battle. Because when that day comes, when my girls want to remember me, I hope they will find enough evidence of who I am and how much I loved them. 

Yes, I think about those things.

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