Saturday, August 31, 2024

Kika and Me

Aug 31,

Just a few photos of Kika and me, and our new nightly routine.

First Day of School

Aug 28,

Today was Bella's first day in 10th grade, and her first day at Worcester Academy. She was not super happy to have to stop for a minute and take her picture, but she knew it is tradition. Naturally she was nervous about the first day, and the new school, but we are happy to report that it was a great day. A well deserved fresh start for our girl.

New Families Welcome Day

Aug 27,

This afternoon was the welcome day for new families at Bella's new school. The activities were really more for the kids than for the parents, butt it was a warm lovely day. So I didn't mind lingering outside for a bit.

Additional Items

Aug 27,

Sofia has received a couple additional items that I shipped her after I left. Some stools that fit underneath their little table, and a keyboard so she doesn't miss her piano at home. One more thing to make her space her own.

Broken Treadmill

Aug 26,

After 7 busy years with us it appears that my treadmill has finally reached its limit, as it is no longer running. I have had a treadmill since I was 5 months pregnant with Sofia, and I use it a lot, so if this one can not get fixed we will be getting another one right away. Thanks for all the miles treadmill. You were the best!

The weekend

Aug 25,

Finally a routine sort of weekend after all the travel of the last few weeks. Morning run, pickleball, lunch out, dog walks, and getting Bella's school sign ready to continue the tradition.

College Drop Off

Aug 21,

And just like that, Sofia's summer break was over and it was time to take her back to college. Since Bella had school activities, we had to divide and conquer. I went to Boulder with Sofia and Lionel stayed with Bella in Boston. 

On our way to Boulder I got offered an upgrade to first class, but they only had one seat. I declined so I could stay with Sofia and then we both ended up being upgraded to Delta Comfort.

For her second year Sofia is living with her friend Caroline in an off campus apartment, so we had to get everything for it. I rented a big car which was God sent, as we packed a lot of stuff in it. Caroline and Sofia had bought a few things online and shipped them directly to Boulder, to Caroline's cousin house, including her mattress. But we had to go to Ikea to buy a bed frame, a desk, drawers, etc. We also made several trips to Target, Michaels, and the hardware store. And I got lucky at a thrift store buying them a coffee table, a small table to put in their tiny kitchen, and a small cabinet that serves as a pantry. 

We worked very hard building Sofia's furniture and decorating her room. We framed and hung an antique Cincinnati map that she bought at a local store, and some prints that we bought at a street market in Europe. I also got to drive her to her interview at Camp Bow Wow, a doggy day care - she got the job by the way.

The week was exhausting both physically and emotionally, and leaving her behind was not any easier. But it is good to know that this year she has s space to call her own, one where she can retrieve and recharge whenever she needs it. 

Retrieving Kika

Aug 6,

Today we went to pick up our Kika after our vacation. We missed her. She was happy. We were happy. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Europe Vacation - Day 16 - That’s a wrap

Aug 4,

And that's a wrap! Last day in Nice as tomorrow we head back home. It is going to be a long day, so hoping for no major delays.

Europe Vacation - Day 16 - Last Day

Aug 4,

Today is our last day in France. It is always sad when a vacation ends, but it is ok. The girls are ready to go back, and today marks 3 weeks since I left home. So it is time. 

We are all looking forward to seeing Kika and sleeping in our own beds, with our own pillows and stuff. But I wish that we had more time before heading back to work right away. That is the not so fun part. After being away for 3 weeks, I know I will be drinking from the proverbial firehose. 

When we go back both girls will be getting ready to go back to school. Sofia to get back to college and her new apartment, and Bella to her new school that hopefully will be a better fit. So August will be an intense month. Hoping it will be a good one too.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Europe Vacation - Day 15 - Dinner

Aug 3,

Tonight we went back to La Cantine de Meme. It was good and we liked it, so we decided to repeat Vs checking out a new place. Since we had done plenty of walking earlier in the day, we just walked back straight to the apartment and watched a bit of the Olympic games.

Europe Vacation - Day 15 - Shopping

Aug 3,

In the early afternoon, once the girls were finally awake and ready to go, we went out for lunch and to do some shopping.  Lionel wants to buy some notebooks and I needed to buy a carry on to fit the extra clothes I bought when KLM lost my suitcase - twice. We also did some other fun shopping, although nothing too big. At a street market we looked through old prints, and I found a couple of old advertisements from my company.  Those were some great finds.

We also walked by the park where Bella and I went by ourselves 10 years ago, the last time we were here, because Sofia had a cold and Lionel had stayed with her.