Monday, May 14, 2012

Bad work memories

For some odd reason earlier today I was thinking about some of the insults I have received during my professional life. There was the time I applied for a job and was told those jobs were reserved for engineers. And there I was, across the table from the woman who told me that, puzzled and pissed, because I was indeed an engineer AND I had an MBA. Then, there was the time my boss told me that if he ever had to let somebody go I would be the obvious choice because I had a husband that could take care of me. I can't forget of course about the one who told me I couldn't go to this one meeting to represent the company because I had an accent. Or about the one who told me that yes, I was indeed qualified for a job I had applied to, but that nobody was going to respect me because I was too young! Luckily, all those things happened before my current job. That type of crap doesn't happen to me anymore.

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