Sunday, May 20, 2012


This morning we took Sofia to the park so she could practice riding her bike. I asked to take a picture of her at the beginning, so I could capture her while she was still in a good mood.  Lionel told me she was afraid of falling, so I knew the practice could potentially be a tricky thing. Sofia is so afraid of falling that she essentially sabotages herself. Lionel lost his patience with her, so we had to switch places and he chased Bella around while I did my best to show Sofia that she had no reason to be afraid. I showed her what to do if she felt she was starting to lose her balance and, more importantly, what not to do.

It is going to be a long road ahead of us, but one we can't avoid. It is not that I want her to be the best biker ever, but I certainly can't let her be consumed by fear.

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