Saturday, September 8, 2012


It is not too often that I find myself with nothing to do. In fact, it is usually the other way around, with too much to do and not enough time. So when I do find myself in that situation, that usually means that I am out ot town by myself. You might think that this is a welcomed break, and in a way it is. But my initial reaction tends to be one of panic - panic at the thought of getting bored, of experiencing the unfamiliar feeling of flat out wastimg time.

My friends from work and I have just arrived in Decatur, Alabama after a long but pleasant drive where the two guys sat in the front and took turns driving, and us girls sat in the back chatting and watching movies. I had never even heard of this place, but we are down here for the wedding of another friend of ours. He is actually getting married in another place called Cullman, but I guess this one is the "bigger town". 

Since the wedding is not until 6:30, that meant that upon our arrival we would have two to three hours to burn. Entering the cold hotel room by myself, and knowing that I officially had no plans, made my mind start racing throught potential things to do: I could go shopping - except that there is nothing around here. I could workout - except that I already did that earlier today. I could take a nap - except that I am not that tired just yet...

Luckily, one of my friends stopped by my room and we started chatting about the dresses we brought for the wedding, about our lack of big plans for makeup and hair, and about other random stuff. I also found a bit of inspiration to write this post, which I don't have very often anymore because while moving at a fast pace It is not easy to stop for a minute and hear my own thoughts.

Now it is a bit past 4:00 pm, and I may still have time for a quick nap, or to check facebook, or to randomly surf the web. But since I need to be ready by 5:30, and I still need to take a shower and get ready, I guess that doing something extra may cause me to have to rush. But that is ok, that is a familiar feeling, and one for which I am fully prepared.

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