Sunday, March 31, 2013

Panama - The arrival ... Continued

At the ice cream shop we experienced what T had warned us about from the very beginning: Service around here is very slow. Yep, it was quite slow indeed. But we were patient and got our ice cream, and got to sit down for a few minutes and catch up on life.

After the ice cream shop we went back home and put the kids to bed. Mine were filthy from the trip and all the running around, but they were also exhausted so the shower had to wait for the next day.  Bella insisted that I went to bed with them, and since we had all been up since 3:30am I didn't complain too much. We all went to bed indeed, and for once even Bella fell asleep right away.

One of the frustrating things about updating my blog from the iPad is that after a while it starts acting crazy. So I had to split this post into 2 because it wasn't letting me scroll down any longer, and couldn't see what I was doing. I will fix that when i get home, as well as any typos and grammar issues that i couldnt go back and fix here.

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