Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Perfect North

Today I was supposed to be at an all day event aimed at personal and professional growth, but as luck would have it, it turned out to be a snow day. So needless to say, I didn't make it to my event since I had to stay home with the girls.

Snow days are not my best friends. It is not only because I am a working mom, but also because in my line of work it doesn't really matter if I can physically show up. Whether it is in the office or at home, I am still expected to do my job. Having a snow day means I get to stress about my kids continuously interrupting me while I am trying to work, and feeling like the worst mom ever for ignoring them - while trying to get things done.

This morning I was already mentally preparing myself for a difficult day when I realized I had an opportunity in front of me. Since I was supposed to be out all day, I didn't have any meetings scheduled and nobody was counting on me for the entire day. So whether I worked or not, it was not going to make a big difference for anybody else. Of course I had a million things to do, but nobody expected that they would be done today. So I decided I would just take the day off, and would - for once - make it a fun, true snow day. I told the girls to get ready, because we were going to go skiing. At the beginning they were quick to tell me they didn't want to do anything - especially since at the time they were watching TV - but warmed up the idea and didn't complain too much.

We arrived in Perfect North - our local "skiing" destination at about noon. Lionel refuses to go there because clearly it is not even close to being comparable to Vail, but I think it is better than nothing - especially for the girls. And the goal today was to get out of the house, and do something snow related.

We went straight to eat lunch and get our rental skis. After the initial drama of putting Bella's boots on, we finally hit the slopes a bit after 1:00 pm.  We did the same Green run multiple times and even moved to a blue. I knew Sofia would do really well, but Bella also kept up. I was afraid that she would just take off straight, without making any turns, but she was actually nice to me. She did speed up in couple occasions, but when she felt that she was starting to pick up too much speed she did try to stop or just fall to the ground.

We stayed out there until 6:00 pm, so we had a full day. The girls were exhausted when we made it home, and so was I. But I am glad we went, and that for once I was able to give my girls a fun snow day.

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