Sunday, March 17, 2013

You make my heart race

This morning Gabi and I ran our very first 15K ever! The weather forecast called for either lots of rain or 2 or 3 inches of snow, buy luckily the weather held out and it was just plain, freezing cold. The race started at 7:45 am. It took us an hour and 40 minutes to finish, so we held a pretty even pace. We didn't really feel the cold while we were running, but as soon as we stopped we realized just how cold it truly was. So we didn't really stick around even though there were some festivities planned in Fountain Square. Instead, we went home to take a shower and later went out for lunch to celebrate.

When I first arrived home and Bella saw my medal she innocently asked me: "Mami, did you win the race?". "No Belly, they gave me the medal because I finished the race", I said. I thought that sounded better than "Everybody got one". Either way, she was kind of impressed.

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