Sunday, October 6, 2013

12 miles!

Today I ran 12 miles, with almost 6 of them in the pouring rain. The trail where I ran is beautiful and basically flat, hence why I chose it for such a long run. But running in the rain was definitely exhausting. The problem was not that it was raining, but that it was absolutely pouring. It was raining so much that there were too many puddles, and I couldn't even try to avoid them. I could hear my wet shoes at every step, and I could feel my socks completely drenched. I could feel my feet seriously rubbing, and I feared blisters were forming, but my goal was to run 12 miles, and I didn't want to give up. Today was my last long run before the Columbus half marathon in two weeks, and I needed to make sure I am ready.  It wasn't easy, but I finished my run and at a pretty decent good pace.

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