Sunday, October 6, 2013

New York

Two days after I came back from my recruiting trip, Lionel and I went to New York for the weekend. We had planned this trip several months ago, before we knew I would go on the recruiting trip. I really wanted to go, to see Michael Buble in concert again and to spend time just the two of us, but it also made me sad to leave my girls back to back. Sofia was excited to spend the weekend at my sister's house with Diego, but Bella was very sad when I dropped them off. Gabi told me she eventually calmed down and enjoyed the rest of the weekend, but it was very tough to leave her crying and turn around and go.

The trip to New York was fun. We saw one of Lionel's college friends who lives there now, we saw our friend David, and we ran 6 miles in central park. The concert was fun as usual, but when we got there I realized we did not have floor tickets, which was a bit of a downer. Since the concert was all the way in Brooklyn we took the subway both ways, which was convenient but is also not my cup of tea. I feel like the subway is always dirty, and everybody seems to be in such a bad mood. The good news was that on the way back the subway station was literally couple short blocks from our hotel.

It had been almost 3 years since the last time we went to NYC, and we had a great time, but I was also very happy to come home to my girls.

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