Sunday, October 20, 2013

Columbus Half Marathon

After 3 months of training, today Lionel and I ran the Columbus half marathon. It was my second half marathon ever, and Lionel's first. Tia and Tio also came along with Diego to help us out with the girls while we ran, and to be our cheerleaders.

Going into this race I didn't feel as great as for the other ones, because my right leg had been tense. But I wasn't hurt, so I decided to give it my best. The bad news was that I got blisters early, and started to cramp during the last mile. The good news was that I achieved my goal of running 10 minute miles or less, and finished 5 minutes faster than when I ran the Cincinnati Flying pig back in May. Unlike the flying pig though, I was hurting by the end. When we ran the pig, and crossed the finished line, I literally felt like I could have kept running. Today that was definitely not the case.

The bad news for Lionel was that his knee started to hurt during mile 8, and from that point on he had to run some and walk some. The good news is that he finished as well. Now the question is if there will ever be a second half marathon for him. As for me, I still fully intend to run in Miami next February.

Lunch on our way to Columbus
Ice cream break the night before the Marathon
It was freezing in the morning, but we were ready!
The finish line

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