Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Papi works harder?

Today Lionel had to work again, even though the girls and I were still on vacation. So we went out and about without him. On our way back home, Sofia told me that poor Papi works too much ... more than me. "Mmmm...", I thought, and asked her to say more. She then told me how Papi gets up earlier than me to go to work at 7:00 am, and comes back home at the same time as me. Hence, he has a really, really long day.

My initial reaction was to tell her how "Mami works every night, until very late, so she ALSO has a long day". But I then quickly remembered that this is exactly what I want.  I have never wanted the kids to feel that they are competing with my job for my attention, nor I really want them to know that working at night to keep up is what buys me the freedom to go into work late, and leave at a decent time.

If as far as Sofia is concerned I have all the time in the world to hang out with them, I am ok with that!

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