Monday, December 30, 2013

Stay at home ... No! No!

Today the girls and I spent the entire day at home. Somebody was coming to install our new ceiling fans in the middle of the day, which didn't give us enough time to do something in the morning, but I was still hoping it would give us time to do something afterward. Unfortunately the installer spent almost 4 hours here, and by the time he left it was almost 5:00 pm. And he wasn't even able to finish, so he needs to come back another day.

I don't normally enjoy spending the entire day at home, but doing so during a vacation day makes it even worse. All I did was feed the kids, clean the kitchen, feed them again, clean the kitchen again, and then clean some more. As I kept cleaning during the day, and hoping the guy would soon finish the installation, I started thinking about how bored I would be if I was a stay at home mom. I am not criticizing by any means, as staying home is hard work. It is just not for me.

Fortunately the girls were not bored, and together entertained themselves all day long.

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