Monday, January 6, 2014

Dia de Reyes!!

Because my girls have been such little angels all year, the Reyes Magos came this morning and left couple treats for them. One of them was a mini Dream Light that Sofia had seen at the store earlier this week, but didn't have enough money to buy. At the time I told her she could save her money and go back later and get it, so she was very excited to get it this morning. Bella, of course, got a mini Dream Light as well. And since school was cancelled because of the cold front, the girls had plenty of time to play with them, and their other gifts, during the day.

We were planning on cutting Rosca in the afternoon, as every other year, but with the weather I figured we would no longer do it since I really didn't want to go out at all. But Tios braved the weather and brought the Rosca to us! We decided not to even ask Abuelitos to come, because we knew that there was no way they were going to expose themselves to this weather if they didn't have to. So we missed them, but were happy that at least part of the family was able to carry the tradition.

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