Sunday, September 28, 2014

12.5 miles!

Today I had to be very creative to complete my 11 mile run. Lionel had a soccer game at 8:30 am that he didn't want to miss, which didn't give much time to complete my run before he left. And I didn't want to run after his game because then it would be too hot. So instead I set my alarm at 6:00am, ran 3 miles inside while I waited for the sunrise, headed outside to run 4.5 miles, and came back right in the nick of time so Lionel could head out. I then completed my run on the treadmill, and in fact ended up with 12.5 miles. That brought me to a total for the month of September of 66.9 miles. I wish I had realized I was so close to 70. I would have pushed to make it a round amount.

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