Monday, September 1, 2014

Rain, rain, don't go away

This morning I ran 10 miles ... 10 rainy and hard miles. I wanted to run 9, since I am a bit behind on my training for the Queen Bee half marathon in the fall, but I would have settled for less than that at the start of my run.

I set the alarm for 8:00 am because I went to bed somewhat late and really wanted to sleep 7 hours. And since it was a holiday, I knew there wouldn't be many cars out there yet at that time. Sadly for me I didn't sleep anywhere close to that, since Sofia had a bad dream and woke me up at 4:00 am. She never wakes us up anymore, so I knew it was not an excuse. But there wasn't much space with her in the bed, and I was very hot, so I moved to the floor. I couldn't fall asleep though, so I moved again to her bed and eventually fell asleep again. When the alarm went off I wasn't quite ready to get up, but it had to be done.

Lately I have been feeling some tension on my left leg once again, just like I started feeling when I was training for the Miami marathon, so I wasn't sure I could run the 9 miles - but I had to give it a try. As I started running I felt some pain in my left calf - it had only been 0.3 miles - so I turned around to go back home. But before giving up I decided to run around the block to see if the pain went away once I warmed up - and it did. So I cautiously ran my 9 miles and then an extra one since that will allow me to have a "down week" next week. Mentally it is always much better to know that you have a shorter run ahead of you. And right now, I think I could really use the break. 

Even though my run was rainy, which is always more difficult because of the slightly heavier clothes and the wet uncomfortable shoes, it was physically and emotionally good for me. While I was running I pretended that the rain was washing away - if only temporarily - some of the worries of the new job and the sadness of being "left behind" while good friends move away.

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