Sunday, January 4, 2015

Five years

I have just ordered the printed version of all my blog posts for the second half of 2014. Doing so is always both exciting and stressful, especially when it comes down to writing the dedication and choosing pictures for both the front and back covers of the book. There is just so much that happens in one year, that it is really hard to narrow down what I want to say with both words and pictures. Sometimes I create a photo collage, but this time around I kept it simple. For the front cover, I choose my favorite picture of the girls. For the back cover, a picture of our Christmas card.

While working to get the book ready for printing, it dawned on me that 2014 was already the 5th year of me writing my blog. It is easy to say, but five years is quite a long time - especially in relation to how old the girls are. My hope has always been that one day, when they are older, and maybe even when I am gone, they will enjoy reliving the memories and getting to know who they were once. But as it turns out, I don't even have to wait that long. Both girls enjoy looking at the books now, and they also come handy when we are trying to remember when did we do what. It is like a good family treasure to us.

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