Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year Resolutions

Instead of just doing my own New Year resolutions this year, I decided to give Lionel and the girls a little bit of homework. I asked them to write one resolution they have for each member of the family, and I did the same. Initially Sofia protested that she didn't know what to write for Lionel and me, but I told her I was giving her a great opportunity to pick the one thing she would like us to do or change this year.

After I gave them their homework I went to get a massage, and told them we would read our resolutions when I got back. By the time I got back all 3 had worked on the resolutions, and the girls were excited about announcing them while pretending to have Sofia as a show host. I was happy to see that after the initial whining they were actually into it, and found it to be a good family exercise. 

Besides my 3 resolutions chosen by Lionel and the girls, I think I will pick a couple more. Last year I did well on some of my resolutions (like continuing to work out consistently), but on others not so much (like going to church once per month). So I may repeat some of my resolutions, and try to have better results.

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