Sunday, October 18, 2015

Loveland Half Marathon 2015

As my birthday gift from me to me, I decided to also run the Loveland Half Marathon this year. The marathon happened to be exactly on my birthday, and I had already trained for the Queen Bee, so I figured I could push it and do it. 

Parking was very limited, so Gabi was kind enough to get up early to pick me up at 7:00 am and take me. We actually ended up getting a pretty good parking spot, so Gabi was able to sit at a local restaurant, relax, get a coffee, and wait for me there Vs having to go away.

I had never done two half marathons back to back, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but as it turns out I did really well. My overall time was 3 seconds slower than last week, which means my average time per mile was exactly the same. What are the odds! I am glad I did it, and I am more glad that my sister was there for me.

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