Sunday, October 18, 2015

My Birthday!

Yesterday was my birthday, and I had a fabulous day. It was a cold one - the fall has arrived after all - but it was sunny and I always love that. After the half marathon in the morning I took it somewhat easy. I even took a nap! We then cut cake, and went out for dinner with the family. I had already celebrated with friends earlier in the week, so I wanted my birthday to be all about spending time with my family.

Lionel forgot to buy candles for the cake, so instead of my whole age we only had the digit. We still had it from Sofia's birthday last year. We then had dinner downtown, for a change. I had thought that if the weather was nice we could also stop by Smale Park, but after dinner it was getting dark and we were all tired. So we came back home instead and relaxed the rest of the night. I spent some time replying to all the Happy Birthday wishes on Facebook, and then went to bed. As the Fresh Beat Band used to say: What a great day!

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