Monday, May 30, 2016

And the pool is open

May 30,

The pool opened this weekend, and today we were there for about 3 hours. The girls were really looking forward to it, and after working hard all weekend I figured it would be Ok to sit around the pool for a little while.

Why do I bother...

May 30,

One of the projects I've had on my list is to spray paint the patio table and chairs. We have had them for a while, so the black paint was faded in most spots and in some the paint had started to chip. I didn't want to replace them though, because the chairs are comfortable and the table is also in good shape.

I was making good progress last night, spray paining the chairs, when the lawn people showed up. I wasn't very happy about it, because I quickly had to move some of the stuff I had on the grass and when they cut the grass some of it got on my freshly painted chairs!! Then, to make matters worse, out of nowhere it started to rain. Not only it was raining. It was pouring! And it was so windy that my chairs got tossed around and in some cases the pain got all scratched. I was so disappointed!! But crying about it was not going to do me any good, so this morning I got back out there. I worked very hard and finished the job. I painted all 6 chairs, the table, and even our new fire pit. All of it by 12:30 pm. It was time then to go do other [more fun] stuff.

Bella and Coco

May 29,

Bella went to the Home Depot with me and decided to bring Coco along. She was even a good mommy, and strapped Coco with the seat belt before we started moving.

Breakfast out

May 29,

Today was another beautiful day, so we ate breakfast outside. It was actually more like lunch, since we ate late, but it was breakfast food. Bella had said she wanted to make pancakes, so we did. She helped mixed the pancake batter, and then helped squeeze the fresh orange juice. She was the best little helper!

Good saturday

May 28,

Today was a good day. After a 6 mile run in the brutal heat I did some quick yard work, and then Bella and I went to her French class. After French class I finally took a shower, and in the afternoon took the girls to get their haircuts. They both needed them desperately. When we came back home I actually took some time for myself - which I very rarely do especially in the middle of the day. I went outside to lay down on my hammock, and actually stayed there [uninterrupted] for about an hour and a half. I even took a quick nap! After that we went out for dinner to a local place we had never checked out and, per Bella's request, we paid another visit to the park. Sofia originally complained about having to go, but once there had a good time running around. It was a perfect evening. 

Today's facebook memory

May 28,

Today's memory is from 6 years ago. I also remember this one. We were on our way to Hilton Head, and we stopped by this one mall to eat before getting on the road once again. I love those sweet faces.

Evening park visit

May 27,

This evening, after dinner, Bella wanted to go to the park. So we did. It was late, and it was getting dark soon, so it was a quick visit. But I enjoyed being out there with her, seeing the sun go down, and hearing her laugh out loud while running all over the place. 

First day off

May 27,

Today was the girls' first day of summer vacation. I had to work, but I made an effort to hurry as much as I could so I could take them out for lunch. We went to Panera, their favorite lunch place, and in the afternoon we stopped by Creamy Whip, their favorite local ice cream shop. They had a good day, and I hope they have many more good summer days.

Today's FB memory

May 27,

Today's Facebook memory is from 4 years ago, when we went to Chicago with my parents. I remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when we took this picture.

Last day of school

May 26,

The girls have been counting the days, and today was finally the last day of school.  Bella had a picnic at a park near the school, and Sofia's class had special plans, including water balloons. The both had fun, and were excited to officially finish yet another year.

A beautiful day

May 25,

Yesterday was a beautiful day. It wasn't too hot. It was really the perfect temperature for me. After school my mom picked up the girls as usual, and her and Bella hung out at a park near my parent's house while Sofia was in her French class. I picked her up from there, and then met my mom and Bella at the park. 

By the time we got home it was still nice outside, so the girls and Lionel hung out in the backyard for a little while. I don't recall exactly what I was doing, but obviously I was also around.


May 25,

Tonight Bella attempted to paint her nails all by herself. Instead, she got the nail polish all over her hands and  even some on the floor. She then came asking for help. I was nice and helped her. She really disliked how her hands looked, so I think she learned her lesson.

Sunday, May 22, 2016


May 22,

After multiple days of unseasonably cold weather, and tons of rain, today was a beautiful day. It was sunny and warm, the perfect day to put together the hammock I bought myself as a gift for mother's day. After working in the yard all day it felt like heaven to lay down on the hammock, even if it was only for about 5 minutes. I look forward to the day when I get to sit down in there for a while, with a book in my hands.

Breakfast in bed

May 22,

Today, out of nowhere, Bella brought me breakfast in bed. She brought me fruit, a toast with honey, and some coconut milk. The morning had already started well, since I didn't set an alarm and lingered in bed, but her sweet gesture made it even better. What a great way to start the day.

New badges

May 18,

Today Bella earned two new badges in her swim lesson. She was such a hard worker. Now she only has two more badges to go before she moves on to the next level. She was proud and excited, and I was also very happy for her.  I love seeing her enjoy her swim lessons.

Bella's Asia Project

May 17,

For International Night Bella had a little project. She had to research somebody from Asia, a current or a historical figure, and then create a poster with key facts she learned. Per my suggestion, she did her project about Gandhi. The last few weeks had been a blur though, so sadly we procastinated and completed the project pretty last minute. I was very thankful about Sofia pitching in and offering to help Bella. She was a complete life saver!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

May 8,

Today was a good day. Sofia made me pancakes for breakfast all by herself, and Lionel and the girls gave me my gifts, my card, pretty flowers, and a giant balloon. We then went to mass, had lunch (just the four of us), stopped by my parents to drop off my mom's gift, and came back home. But that wasn't all. My mom, Gabi, and I went back out to watch a movie - again just the 3 of us. After that I helped Bella clean her closet (the not so fun part of the day). And although we didn't finish cleaning the rest of her room, just cleaning the closet was a ton of progress.

Mother's Day Dinner

This year we decided that to celebrate Mother's Day, instead of having our traditional family brunch, we would do dinner the night before. Just my mom, Gabi, and me. We love our families of course, but there is something to be said for having a quiet dinner and being able to catch up.

Play date

May 7,

After the Girls on the Run 5K, the girls asked to have a play date. They spent a couple of hours at our friend's house, playing on their trampoline, dolls and doing other stuff. In the meantime, I went to run a couple of errands. I then came back and took all the girls to get ice cream. They definitely can't complain, They had a good play date.

Morning light

And this is what you witness when you get up early...

Girls on the run 2016

May 7,

Today I got to support a new generation of runners by being a running buddy for the daughter of friends of ours. Girls on the Run prepares girls to run their very first 5K. They train throughout the school year, and then they all run together at a big event at Paul Brown Stadium. 

I had to get up early, and ended up spending the whole morning there, but I am glad I went. I wish my girls had wanted to go as well though. Maybe next year.

Mother Son Superhero Dance

May 7,

Last night, Tia and Diego went to the Mother-Son Super Hero dance. I told her about it a while back, but I never knew if they had signed up for it or not. I am glad they did though. I am sure it was a fun event for Diego.

Mother's Day Cookie

May 6,

Today, in cooking class at the after care, the girls made and decorated some cookies for Mother's Day. Bella decided that she wanted them for herself, but Sofia did say that she made them for me.