Monday, May 30, 2016

Why do I bother...

May 30,

One of the projects I've had on my list is to spray paint the patio table and chairs. We have had them for a while, so the black paint was faded in most spots and in some the paint had started to chip. I didn't want to replace them though, because the chairs are comfortable and the table is also in good shape.

I was making good progress last night, spray paining the chairs, when the lawn people showed up. I wasn't very happy about it, because I quickly had to move some of the stuff I had on the grass and when they cut the grass some of it got on my freshly painted chairs!! Then, to make matters worse, out of nowhere it started to rain. Not only it was raining. It was pouring! And it was so windy that my chairs got tossed around and in some cases the pain got all scratched. I was so disappointed!! But crying about it was not going to do me any good, so this morning I got back out there. I worked very hard and finished the job. I painted all 6 chairs, the table, and even our new fire pit. All of it by 12:30 pm. It was time then to go do other [more fun] stuff.

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