Monday, May 30, 2016

Good saturday

May 28,

Today was a good day. After a 6 mile run in the brutal heat I did some quick yard work, and then Bella and I went to her French class. After French class I finally took a shower, and in the afternoon took the girls to get their haircuts. They both needed them desperately. When we came back home I actually took some time for myself - which I very rarely do especially in the middle of the day. I went outside to lay down on my hammock, and actually stayed there [uninterrupted] for about an hour and a half. I even took a quick nap! After that we went out for dinner to a local place we had never checked out and, per Bella's request, we paid another visit to the park. Sofia originally complained about having to go, but once there had a good time running around. It was a perfect evening. 

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