Thursday, February 9, 2017

Vail - Day 2

Feb 9,

This morning we woke up at around 7:00am, but didn't not bounce out of bed right away. We knew we had a full day ahead of us, so we tried to rest while we could. Sofia did some homework, Lionel and I read, and Bella played on her tablet. But eventually we did get up and got ready for our first day of skiing. 

We left the apartment a little before 9:00 am so we could take the girls to ski school first. They both stayed happily with their respective groups. Long gone are those days when we would face some anxiety and even tears. After that Lionel, his Dad and I skied pretty much nonstop until 1:00 pm. We then took a break for lunch and continued skiing until it was time to pick up the girls. They were both tired, especially Sofia, but on top of that Bella was cranky. She said she was unhappy that she fell a lot and that she didn't like her teacher. 

Bella did get some of her energy back in the early evening to go the pool and the hot tub, but got all tired and cranky again during dinner. So it was a good thing when we went back to the apartment, everybody was in their PJs, and Bella fell asleep. Tonight she was the first one to go down, but the rest of us are not too far behind.

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