Sunday, February 12, 2017

Vail - Day 5 - Last day of skiing

Feb 12,

Today was our last day of skiing, and it was an interesting one. Lionel's Dad couldn't come with us because of his injured foot, so it was just the four of us. Lionel really wanted to take advantage of the fresh snow that came down yesterday, and ski in places where neither the girls or I can go, so he went early. The girls and I took our time getting ready, and made plans to meet him at 10:00 am at the top of the gondola. We ended up leaving the apartment a bit later than expected, and there was still a long line at the gondola, so we ended up meeting him close to 10:30.

The girls were excited to ski with us today, so it's not like we "made" them go, but still the day was full of highs and lows. Somehow they found things to complain about throughout the day. Sofia wasn't listening to Lionel's advice very well, and at some point she had what I would call a mini anxiety attack. She came back from it once she decided to listen, but left a bad taste in our mouth. She then complained because she wanted to have lunch at this one place, but Lionel wanted to go somewhere else. To be fair, I suggested that we settled it by playing a rock-paper-scissors game. Two out of three would be the winner. But if we did that, nobody could complain later. No sore losers. Well... Sofia lost and she was definitely a sore loser. More bad mood for all of us to deal with.

After lunch we continued skiing for a little while, but then Bella started complaining that her head was itchy and needed to take off the helmet. The problem was not exactly that, but HOW she was asking. She was whining, and acting like everyone else was doing something to her. 

Another fun part of the day was that while Bella was very comfortable on the skis, and being a dare devil, Sofia was acting very uncomfortable and fell a number of times. So one was stressed, and the other one was annoyed that she had to go slow or wait.

At least towards the end of the day everybody found their happy place. Sofia finally got comfortable on the skis, and Bella happily led as we were skiing all the way down the mountain.

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