Friday, February 10, 2017

Vail - Day 3 - Windy!

Feb 10,

Today started sunny and nice, a beautiful February morning. We dropped the girls off and took the gondola to start skiing. We skied for a little while until Lionel's Dad decided to head back down because he has a small injury in one of his feet. Lionel and I kept going. But gradually the weather got really windy and they started to close several of the lifts. I also started getting tired, and having the wind push me around did not make skiing any easier. At some point Lionel was ahead of me and kept telling me to move in one direction, but what he couldn't tell was that the wind was pushing me the other way. 

We ended up coming back at around 2:30, and got to rest for a little while before we headed back out to pick up the girls. Sofia was exhausted, but had a good day. And Bella was happier with her teacher and her skiing. She was a little bothered by something mean one of the girls in her group said to her, but we told her to ignore people like that.

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