Sunday, March 26, 2017

Another long run

Mar 25,

This morning was another long run. 10.18 miles to be exact. It was also very challenging, but for a different reason than last week. Last week it was the hills, but this week it was the weather. We have been running in 30 and 40 degree weather, but this morning it was already 57 degrees by the time we started running. It also felt humid, and made me wish I had started taking my allergy medication once again. 

After my run I came home, had a smoothie, stretched, took a shower, and headed back out to volunteer for a few hours. I then went straight to buy food and started to get really hungry. So besides buying the food on my list, I also picked up a few extra sweets at the Mexican store - including a few items that I wasn't even allowed to eat as a kid. It was a moment of weakness, but after running 10 miles in the morning I am sure it was all good.

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