Sunday, March 26, 2017

Bella's Project

Mar 10,

Today Bella had to present her Great Barrier Reef project at school, and it was very important to her that I came to see her. So I did. Her research was about the Green Turtle. She was supposed to research 10 facts about her chosen animal, and either create a poster or a 3D model. She chose to do a poster, and made some turtles, sand, and water from felt. Sofia and I helped her a bit, but she did most of the work. 

As I suspected it would happen, after her presentation she asked to go home early with me. Her teacher said it was Ok, so we stopped by to tell Sofia - who was taking her class picture at the time- and left. Bella wanted a treat, so we went to a Starbucks to get her a hot chocolate and a pastry. We then hung out for a little bit before going back to school to pick up our Sofifi.

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