Sunday, November 19, 2017

Bella's 9th Birthday Party

Nov 18,

Bella's birthday falls around Thanksgiving, so we always have her party the week before - otherwise her friends wouldn't be able to attend. This year she decided she wanted to go back to Recreations Outlet, where we had several of her parties when she was little. She had forgotten about it, but it showed up front and center when she took it upon herself to grab my phone and google "good places for a 9 year old to have a birthday party". It is a little out of the way for those who don't leave on our side of town, but not too bad. And it is  a great place for kids to run around. So back there we went. Bella was really excited about it since the day before, and definitely had lots of fun. She also got to see her friend Cecilia, who switched schools this year to be closer to home. They have been friends since they were in preschool, so I was happy a well that she could make it.

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