Sunday, November 19, 2017

I can relate

Nov 19,

Tonight I went to see "Lady Bird" with some friends, and the thought that mostly stayed in my mind as the movie ended was "Yep. I can relate". Not her strange antics, bad grades, and somewhat poor decision making, but rather her deep desire to leave her home town and experience something else ... coupled with her definite need for financial aid. I had a good childhood, good friends, and my home town was a safe and comfortable place. But I wanted something else. And just like her, staying at the local University was pretty much my worst nightmare. The thing is ... appreciating where you came from doesn't have to prevent you from taking risks, outgrowing it, and enjoying something else.  It is scary, and not everything is smooth sailing along the way, but if you want it so badly nothing else will do.  You simply have to go get it. Just like Lady Bird, my parents sacrificed a lot to ensure I had better opportunities than they did. So I worked hard, as hard as I could, to ensure that no matter what I kept moving forward. And although I have come a long way, I am certainly not done yet.

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